Sleep Hygiene: How to Improve Your Sleep Habits for a More Restful Night’s Sleep
Sleep Hygiene: How to Improve Your Sleep Habits for a More Restful Night’s Sleep
Everyone knows that good hygiene can make you a healthier and overall happier person. Hygiene habits also apply to sleep. Sleep hygiene is defined as the practice of following guidelines to ensure more restful, effective sleep. Trouble sleeping and daytime sleepiness can be indications of poor sleep hygiene or sleep habits. According to the 2013 Sleep Survey conducted by Harris Interactive, sleep disorders are a national epidemic. Eighty-eight percent of women and 78 percent of men say they do not sleep well on a regular basis. Between both genders the most common complaints were pain, difficulty breathing, being overtired, stress and anxiety.
Good sleep hygiene will benefit both your waking and sleeping life. Here are some simple tips for better sleep hygiene.
- Go to bed only when you are tired.
- Set a consistent wake time, every day of the week, including weekends
- Establish a routine before bed to cue your body that it is time to sleep. Some examples include reading with a soft light, taking a warm bath, listening to soft music, or making simple preparations for the next day.
- Turn off your computer and television.
- Use your bedroom for sleeping and only sleep in your bed, not on the couch or in other rooms.
- Leave the bedroom if you can’t fall asleep after 20 minutes.
- Avoid naps.
- Create an atmosphere which is quiet and relaxing.
- Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine.
- Avoid excessive liquid consumption within two hours of bedtime.
- Exercise regularly but not within 5 to 6 hours of bedtime.
- Do not go to bed hungry. If you are hungry, have a light snack not a large meal.
- Hide the alarm clock if you find yourself watching the clock as you try to sleep.
- Put away the day’s problems before going to bed. Consider using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or visualization.
- If your pet keeps you awake at night, consider having your pet sleep in another room.
Most of these habits are simple and can be followed with just a little bit of effort. Try to create positive sleep habits. Adequate sleep promotes daytime alertness and can help you treat or avoid certain sleep disorders. FusionSleep helps patients establish good sleep hygiene habits to get a restful night’s sleep. If you are not getting a restful night’s sleep and would like to find out why, schedule a consultation with one our sleep professionals.